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Only the living can create life. There is a living being who contains all that is necessary to create life and contains much more than what we will ever discover in this world. This being is infinite in size, time, concepts, and matter, and cannot be quantified. It has no starting point, so it never began, and yet it will never end. It exists simply because something must exist, and it will always exist. It is self-sufficient, self-existent, and the single origin and source of all life. This living being is the Infinite, who is the God of Israel.

Only a living being can give birth to life. The alternative is spontaneous generation. Summarized, spontaneous generation states that an organism can be created spontaneously without a creator. In 1859, Louis Pasteur disproved this theory, and the science community has supported his findings ever since. It should be obvious that no one should place his or her faith in a debunked theory, yet so many people do.

Don’t laugh at the notion that the universe is created by a deity yet settle for unexplained phenomenon that cannot be proven or explained. Some of the theories for life without a creator sound just as absurd to people of Faith, as a creator sounds to those who do not believe. No matter how a theory for life with no creator is presented, the core principals of the theory are based on a single truth – spontaneous generation would have to exist.

So, for the sake of the obvious, let’s cross spontaneous generation off the list of possibilities of how life began. This leaves us with only one option – something existed to give life to this universe, and any other universe.

There is a single point of origin for all life, for this world or any other world we have yet to discover, which is one infinite entity that contains everything necessary for creating life and sustaining it. This entity would not only be infinite in space and time, but also in matter and concepts. Life is not just light and particles it is also algorithms, concepts, philosophies, emotions, color, voids… Everything! All these things existed in some form within the infinite long before our universe began.

If there is one thing that does not exist within the infinite, then the source of life wouldn’t be infinite. There would be two or more sources of life, one with everything but that one missing element, and the other source with the one element. If there are two sources, then what entity made the decision of which life source contains which elements? This leads us back to the simple logic that there can only be one source of life from which all things are derived.

The single origin of life is self-sufficient, requiring nothing to exist. Just as there is no starting point to time, there is no starting point for the single source of life. It merely exists, and always has. As well, it will never end. It just is.

God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, “Thus you should say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”

Exodus 3:14 (ESV)

There are many translations of the original Hebrew verse, but the essential meaning succinctly conveys the same message, “I exist because I do.”

Why did the Jews settle to proclaim and lay faith on an invisible and infinite God, when everyone else had something to show for it? In the time of Pharaohs, they established themselves as gods. Other nations like the Canaanites worshiped Baal. What set the Jews apart in their understanding of God? Where did the Jews come up with such an abstract concept, an invisible and infinite Creator, which even today people have a hard time grasping?

While most people relied on themselves to create a god or gods and conceive their powers and purposes, and they still do today, the Jews had a God that revealed Himself to them.

Make no mistake, “God” is not some universal name that can be applied to any theology. “God” explicitly refers to “the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob” who is the God of Israel. There are many theologies that claim to understand God and with very convincing evidence. However, unless these theologies reveal their god to be the God of Israel, then their doctrine is incomplete, because only the God of Israel revealed Himself to the Jews.

Only God exists! As the single origin of life, God contains all things necessary for life. Whatever we have is given to us by God. Our hair, our eyes, our thoughts, and character have always existed, and were given to us by Him. He is infinite in resources, and all things, including life as we know it, exist within Him, not outside of Him. Nothing exists outside of God because He is all that exists, and therefore, He encompasses all things. Everything that exists comes from God. Plain and simple!

God created everything through him [Jesus], and nothing was created except through him [Jesus].

John 1:3 (NLT)

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