Overcoming Anxiety – Day 2

Turn on, Tune in, and Drop Out

Back in the ’60s there was a counter-culture term, “Turn on, Tune in, and Drop Out,” which basically meant to become self-aware, aware of the world around you, and use LSD to accomplish this if needed. I want to repurpose this term and align it with the Turning on the Word, Tuning in to what it says, and Dropping out of this world of lies and that is upside down. Living in a World of Truth, is where you need to be. When you decide to do this it is a total commitment that you make to immerse yourself in all that is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and good report. (Philippians 4:8.) I cannot express enough how important it is to abandon all secular music, movies, TV, and maybe even friends, and surround yourself completely with the Word and people who love the Word until you at least have overcome your anxiety.

Your thoughts need to be reprogrammed so that they are powered by the Truth. Not the lies, regrets, and guilt that dominates your mind now. What I did was change what I was listening to, watching, and reading, to Word-centered media. I watched sermons on anxiety, stress, fear, and shame, and listened to these sermons non-stop. If songs were not about God, then I didn’t listen to them. News? Yes, I turned that off too. My life, during this time, became 24/7 Christian music, sermons, books and movies, and I am so thankful I did this because I found a verse that kept me hopeful through some really tough weeks. I also came across a sermon that was the key to overcoming the anxiety, and it was a story in the Bible that tied it all together, giving me the revelation that immediately freed me from my self-defeating thoughts.

So what does Turning on, Tuning in and Dropping the lies look like? It is listening or watching sermons about anxiety and stress, over and over again. When you are cooking, have a sermon playing. On your way to work or school, listen to a sermon. When you go to bed, listen to a sermon while you fall asleep. This could add up to 4-5 hours a day easily. If you miss something, the preacher said, rewind the message and listen to it again. If there was a sermon that really spoke to you, listen to it multiple times. You must be tenacious in listening to and watching sermons on anxiety and stress, and you can find hundreds of them online.

When you think you need a break from all the sermons, then listen to Christian music. Whether you like it or not, Christian music has the lyrics you need to hear. There are few secular songs that sing about things that can fix your anxiety, but in every Christian song, you are getting some interpretation of the Word of God.

If you are ready to sit down and relax with a movie, again, there are very few secular movies that will help you overcome your anxiety. Right now your focus should be beating this condition. So, turn off the action-packed thriller, and Turn On a Christian movie. There are movies that use the Gospels verbatim for the script. These are great movies not only to watch but to listen to while you fall asleep.

Find some quiet time before you start your day to be in the Word. Bible plans are an excellent way to stay in touch with God’s Word, but it really is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more waiting for you on each page of the Bible. Wonderful knowledge that God wants you to discover. So, put down 50 Shades of Garbage, the tabloids, and the newspaper and pick up the Bible. In addition to reading the Bible, there are many books and tutorials on how to get more out of the Bible than you would through reading. One great workbook is ‘Rick Warren’s 40 Days in the Word’.

If you think these suggestions sound extreme, ask yourself, is your entertainment worth keeping your anxiety? You need to think of the changes I am suggesting as part of a prescription plan and the cure. I cannot emphasize how important it is to inundate yourself with the Word. It truly is the medicine you need.

Bible Verses

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.

Psalm 1:1-3 (ESV)

And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.

Jeremiah 3:15 (ESV)

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.

Proverbs 11:14 (ESV)

Overcoming Anxiety

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